2018, Novembre, 8-10, Stresa, Current and future management of digestive disease: from bench to bedside

2018, October, 20-24, Vienna, UEG Week 2018

2018, Maggio, 17-19, Ibs Days, Bologna

2018, August 29 – September 1, Amsterdam, Netherlands – 3rd Meeting of the FNM

2018, Marzo, 8 – Milano . Viaggio nel mondo della patologia femminile

2017, August, 22-24 Cork University, Ireland – Neuro Gastro tandem

2017 Novembre 24 – Padova – Le mille e una Miotomia

2017 Settembre 15 – Napoli – L’Esofago di Barret

Congresso Nazionale SINGEM Pisa 2019

2018, 2-5 June – Washington Digestive Disease Week